Mary Sisson, Author

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Progress report

So today, in keeping with Chapter 5 of the Trang audiobook's general theme of being an enormous pain, it took me probably six takes to fix a bad voice match toward the end of the chapter. It's a place where the narration resumes after Shanti's been going off. The idea with Shanti's voice is that she sounds like I do after I've had a couple of beers--I recently watched Better Off Ted (VERY funny), and Shanti sounds surprisingly like Linda, which makes me wonder if that actress had the same idea. Anyway, the problem was that character voice essentially contaminated the narrator's voice, and today, when I haven't been doing Shanti, I could not for the life of me match that voice. I was about to just go ahead and re-record the entire end of the chapter, but instead I decided to try talking through my nose just a little, and that seemed to do the trick. It's not perfect, but it's not glaringly obvious that the line is looped in like it was before.

In any case, it's done (yay!), and I also edited a big hunk of Chapter 6. Which is a loooong chapter....