Progress report

Started editing Book 4, the last book of the series. This book is shorter than the other books—I’m not sure how I feel about that. It’s only 14 chapters, and I edited 5 today (whoo). So far, I’m enjoying it, so if I don’t see enormous holes that need filling, maybe I’ll just let it be a short book. We’ll see.

Progress report

I went back and fiddled with a couple of things in Book 2 that were annoying me. I feel like you can tell when I took a break from writing, because all of a sudden I introduce 15 new story points that come from nowhere, don’t really fit, and don’t go any place. So some pruning and streamlining there.

Then I started up on Book 3, which has 21 chapters (20 + epilogue). I believe it’s the first editing pass on the book, and yes, it’s definitely a lot rougher than Book 1 or 2.