Progress report (the ugh, my eyes! edition)

So, I input about half the proofreader's corrections into the Smashwords edition of Trang. Boy, if ever I was wondering why I never went into copy-editing--the focus on detail is just insane. Very, very, VERY useful and appreciated of course, but inputting it all...ugh. I'm hoping my eyes will uncross eventually.

I'm not going to be able to get around doing it twice, either--once for the e-book and once for the printed book. I am, however, extremely motivated to not have to do it again for the Kindle and again for the Nook. I'm going to try the Smashwords hack, and if that doesn't work I'll download and figure out Calibre, a (free, and apparently pretty much the standard) program that converts files into ePub (and that will hopefully allow me to include an interior cover).

If neither approach works, I'll just convert the Word file into HTML and take it from there.