Mary Sisson, Author

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Oh, and I'm doing a giveaway!

Yeah, I suck at marketing, don't I? I'm doing a giveaway and not telling anyone about it--it's, er, um, stealth marketing, that's what it is! It's all part of my carefully-conceived master plan....

Anyway, the LibraryThing giveaway is here--scroll down a little, they list by number of copies being given away. Which explains why people give away so many copies. I'm so naive that I just looked at the top couple of listings, thought, "Seems like people are giving away about 500 copies" and put down 500. We'll see how I feel about that number when time comes to fulfill the requests.....

I should go Tweet about this. I know there are people who scan Twitter looking for "free" and "giveaway"--I wonder how many of them won't bother to read the description and will miss the language advisory. I look forward to many, many one-star reviews saying, "This book has the word 'fuck' in it!"