
OK, I checked over the layout, and I uploaded both the interior and the cover to the publish-on-demand publisher! They'll need 48 hours to make sure I didn't just upload someone else's book, and then presumably it will be available for me to order. I'll buy a copy, read it over, and if it looks OK, I will make it available for sale!

Of course, "looking OK" at this point means basically "no chapters are missing." I just noticed two things that aren't exactly errors, but could have been expressed more elegantly...and I'm saving them for the next layout. Joel Derfner has a very funny take on the compulsion of writers to always improve their work, and how that runs headlong into the realities of production schedules, deadlines, costs, etc.,--which is probably a good thing, if you think about it. I have basically never read anything of mine that I didn't desperately want to take a red pencil to, until (and this happens, it's an interesting process) enough time has passed that I don't really think of the piece of writing as mine anymore, it's just kind of there. At that point, I usually really enjoy it and wonder what I was in such a lather about before. I suppose in a perfect world you'd always be that way about your writing--an impartial judge who simply looks upon it as text.

And someone who I don't know very well said some very nice things about Trang to me today, so yay! It's a good day!