Mary Sisson, Author

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The wai-ya-ting is the hardest part

So, Trust should come back from the copy editor in a week or so. The taxes are with the accountant with a note saying, Please look over this carefully and try to make sure that nobody goes to jail. The home-improvement project is one industrious afternoon away from being done. I read and liked Lindsay Buroker's Emperor's Edge (fantasy adventure, and it's free!) and M. Louisa Locke's Maids of Misfortune (historical mystery--it's not free, but come on, it's only $2.99).

I also read Proust's Sodom and Gomorrah, which unlike the other volumes in the new translation of In Search of Lost Time, just isn't translated very well. It's a little clunky, plus the translator decided to save time and just leave a lot of the French expressions untranslated--you know, because when someone pays you to translate something into English, there's no need to be a completist about it. I once was fluent in French, but that was a couple of decades ago, and I'd rather not have to interrupt the story to look stuff up.

So, because of a licensing issue in the United States, all the volumes after Sodom and Gomorrah are available only as the old translation, which kind of worried me. But I'm reading an omnibus volume of The Captive and The Fugitive, and it's actually going fine--I think the old translation of Swann's Way (which is easily the toughest volume anyway, because it's more abstract and the time frame jumps around a lot) is what just kills people.

But, you know, even Proust doesn't really qualify as a B project. I've done all the production tasks I set for myself, and there's going to be a ton more to do--but not until the layout comes back from the copy editor. So now I'm thinking maybe I should start back on writing Trials--I'd have to start and then just completely stop again once the layout comes back, which is annoying, but it may be the best choice under the circumstances.