Mary Sisson, Author

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Chatting and giving stuff away on Library Thing

So, the author chat is live on Library Thing until June 8th. Feel free to go there and ask me questions about pretty much anything--it can be about self-publishing or what I thought of The Avengers, I don't care.

Also, the Library Thing Trang giveaway is up, if for some reason you'd rather do that than use the Smashwords coupon. It goes until June 18th.

And I just want to say that Jeremy of Library Thing rocks my socks. There were some technical problems with the giveaway (which meant that there was--gasp!--a slight delay between me thinking, "Hmm, maybe I should do a giveaway" and actually having one up), and the cover is wrong, but you know, the attitude is right. Jeremy is like, "There's a problem with the cover, I'm sorry--we'll fix that ASAP," he's not like, "We won't let you use your cover, because we're claiming that it is impossible for us to swap out a JPG file." Very little drama, no rules that aren't actually real, and when things go wrong, people acknowledge that they have gone wrong and should be set right. Really, that's all I ask....